Monday, April 30, 2007

Portraiture Steeze

I still have heaps of recent work thats not up here. Get ready for a huge party

Interesting story behind this one really. It was taken while we were out at Minyon Falls, which I expected to be an awesome photo opportunity. I was really digging the light that was falling on Brynn, but every picture I took was, well, pretty miserable. I eventually got fed up and shot one literally blind, from the hip, and got this beautiful image. I'm not sure if thats ingenuity, luck, complete lack of photographic skill, or some combination of the three. Regardless, I love the gradation of light intensity, fading from strong highlights on the right side of her face to dark shadows on the left. She strikes a casual pose, and the background gives a very lush, warm feel to the image. I dig.

I'm honestly not an enormous fan of this image, I just like that its a different approach to portraiture. Instead of centering the subject in a typical setting with a typical camera angle, I tried something a bit different and I think its scratching the surface of something pretty cool. I'm not sure if the aviators add or subtract from this image, but regardless its definitely something to be explored in the future.

I really dig this image. If I may say so myself, its a photo where the foreground and background come together for the same purpose. However, should've used a tripod with a higher f/stop to catch more detail in the foreground rocks, but thats besides the point. Anyways, I like how the entire photo has a slightly mysterious quality to it. The POV is almost voyeuristic, as if you're spying on this girl who's walking on this abandoned beach, and the sky stretches on forever. Its intrigueing and makes you really question what this lonely girl is doing on a beach in the middle of nowhere.

I just really dig the idea of framing people against the moon. The concept needs a bit of work, but I think I've struck upon something with great potential that I want to explore.

I'm not exactly sure why but I like this image a lot...I think its a bit of an unconventional portrait, the pose isnt particularly flattering and its super close up, but it still makes for a beautiful image, full of detail that you don't usually find in a portrait.

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